Tuesday, July 21, 2009

harry potter and the half blood prince...

its with great expectations and after a lot of fighting that i went in to watch the latest instalment of the harry potter series in movies..even though i am a big harry potter fan..i always enjoyed the movies..except when they gave us a beggar like sirius..they were always a treat to watch...but this time...i was in for a shock...even after the raving reviews by the critics and the exhilarating box office collections...

for starters the movie was painstakingly long...i kept looking at the time when it was going to end...the special effects n everything technical were awesome...but the movie was disappointing...where to start from??..too much romance..and even the kiss of harry and ginny was pathetic...their relationship which budded in this book was not adapted worthily..too much of lavender..but ron as usual was hilarious...with his antics...hermione seemed stupid in this..its her brain that dominates right from book 1 and helps harry get through anything...their friendship lacked the magic..the laughs seemed forced..the tears seemed fake..

where shal i start from??..there is no conversation between the british prime minister and the minister of magic...rufus scrimgeour isnt even shown...there is no inspiring and emotional dialogues like "dumbledore's man through and through"..luna finds harry in the train where he was attacked and stashed by malfoy..not tonks...

why is there a need to stray away from the storyline??why fabricate stuff and omit out important stuff when you have a book with a storyline as good as any script you can get..the 6th book was all about harry understanding voldemorts character with the help of some memories...we seem him evolving to be deadly...but in the movies...its just 2 memories that are shown...and the horcruxes are nt given enough importance...no idea is given as to what sort of objects voldemort will try to make as horcrux...how is harry going to find them???...there is no history shown of the ring...

it makes you cringe when dumbledore asks harry in passing whether he is seeing hermione...and dumbledore can apparate and disapparate from inside the castle...in the book they disapparated from hogsmeade...it seems the rule doesnt apply to dumbledore in the movie...the burrow is burned down in the movie..where are they goin to hold bills and fleurs wedding in the next movie??..there is no fight between the members of the dumbledores army and the order of phoenix with the death eaters in the end...bill is not getting bitten by fenrir the werewolf...so he wont probably be scarred in the next movie!!!..well..they didnt show fleur in this one..so probably..they are gonna omit that part too....

and in the cave when dumbledore drinks the potion...he doesnt scream.."leave them..dont hurt them..hurt me instead.."...does that mean dumbledore story is not going to be shown in the 7th movie...??..harry wasnt bodybound by dumbledore and made to watch helplessly as he was killed.....there is no funeral of dumbledore and the wand was in the headmasters office when harry went to visit there after his death...isnt it supposed to be buried along with him in the tomb??..isnt that from where voldemort gets it after breaking open the tomb...

draco malfoy was brilliant...so was professor slughorn...there is a scene just after dumbledores death when everyone lights their wands and shows it upwards and the dark mark vanishes over the tower...i dont know why..but that scene touched me..maybe because i love dumbledore soo much...or maybe because it was a beautiful scene...apart from this...i am sorely disappointed by the movie...i even started to walk away half way through the movie...i shudder to think what theyare going to do with the deathly hallows...splitting it into two movies is fine...but omissions like this destroy the beauty....this may be the biggest grosser among all harry potter movies...but i am sure this will be the one which everyone would like to forget...

this is injustice done to harry potter...j.krowling...and to the million fans around the world who relish the magical world created by rowling and adore their hero...harry potter..the boy who lived..!!!!!!!