i write these words to you leo...which i want your heart to hear...
"fucking leo rann!!!"...this was the first dialogue that he made about you to me..and he ran after you...that was the first thing that made me closer to him...a co-dog lover...then i came to know more about you...about how he got you..how skinny you were...how you won over the hearts of everyone at home...how you became a part of his family...about how you love his dad the most..how you wait for him after he gets back from his loong journeys...about how you always take onto you any misfortune that might strike the family...
i loved you leo...not just as any other dog...but as my very own..i have seen you just once and that too recently...i am sorry i missed the chance to pet you like i wanted to then...i wish you would see all this...even though i havent known you for loong...i miss the barks i hear through the phone at night..i miss him complaining that you never finish your food and let the other eat yours too...i miss hearing your woofs and yips on the background during your night strolls....
i know i am noone to make these remarks and i dont know why the heck my eyes are welling up while i write this...just wanted to tell you that..whereever you are...your family misses you...they look out into the open field that you have once occupied,knowing that the field is empty..straining their ears for your bark that they know will never come....but never accepting the reality that you have gone...their hearts so heavy..they dont want to believe that you have gone to join your angel dogs....
if love alone could have saved you...i know you would never have died...if tears could built a stairway and heartache make a lane...your family would walk the path to heaven and bring you back...till the day their eyes shut for one last time..until then they all will keep trying to see through the tears with memories you left them to reflect through the years...but one day will come..when they will start to see through the pain of the moment..but you will never be forgotten...coz they will always remember you...
i wish you heard all this leo...i might be a stranger to you..but i say this on behalf of the family you have left behind....now..you go and play dear...and look down on us when you can,remembering we love you and that this is not the end.....
we love you leo....you are sorely missed....!!!!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
the best emotions of my life....!!!
these past 21 years of my life...my heart had ruled my brain...i was always a person of emotions..in needed or unwanted cases...i am just evaluating all the possible emotions of my life so far and rating them...because...u guessed it right...unemployment has struck me again....!!!so here goes....
10.ANGER....i would give anyone in this planet earth a run for their money for the title "angry young lady"..this emotion of mine comes way down at the bottom..because of the endless times i have ended up in trouble just because of the lack of control..u can say..short temper is my weakness..be it to my mom...my friends..or even the material stuff...when it totally goes against what i have in mind for it...but being a normal human being..i dont think i can afford to get rid of this...but i definitely hope this remains at the bottom always...

9.DISAPPOINTMENT....definitely not a frequent visitor like the above mentioned...but when it visited..it left its marks...it left me untouched for the first 15 years of my life...gave a blow when at 15 by giving me less than expected marks for 10th boards(believe me when i say this that studies were the only concern of my life then...)..it brought me back to ground zero...struck me with force of a tsunami at 17 for the pathetic marks at 12th boards and miserable performance at the entrance exams and a heinous choice of a friend...i m out of its touch for the past few years...maybe because my aspirations and dreams have reached normal ground level...:)

8.FEAR.....my greatest fear..is losing my loved ones...i cannot bear to even think of that....my fear of getting caught...my fear of failure...then comes my fear of...wooo...ghosts....spiders...snakes....cockroaches...lizards...all reptiles unspecified...i overcame my fear of darkness..dunno when and how....but i think being fearless takes a lot of fun out of life...how else can you scream...."iss jungle se mujhe bachaooo............"

7.ENVY....my most prized possession...i am envious of beauty..of perfection....i m jealous of pretty women...of models in hour glass figures adorning gorgeous sarees and dazzling diamonds...i m envious of most of the stuff i lack...envious of all the stuff that huge amounts of money buy without being aware of the fact that i have even priceless stuff with me that those very sums can never even afford....

6.HATE....somebody once said...hating my boy...is an art..i am proud to say that i have mastered that art...i can hate unconditionally...to the point of commiting a crime..yea..!!!i hate to kill...i am not gonna give any examples of whom and what i hate because then this post will be an endless one then....

5.JOY...i never seem to be a very happy person..i dont smile always...i dont jump around enthusiastically being the life and soul of any gang...i never seem satisfied...but the truth is..i find happiness in being happy...i get joy from the weirdest of stuff...the sight of sachin tendulkar walking onto the pitch to bat can make me happy even if i am in the deepest dumps after losing everything...i find joy in letting loose the ties and bonds for a while and crossing the line ocassionaly....i find joy in living life my own way...i find joy in teaching...i find joy in my doggies...hmmm...and i find ultimate joy in the happiness of the ones i love...:)

4.TRUST...This has always been my problem...i easily trust people...and blindly follow them and end up in trouble..but i guess its worthwhile to trust than be suspicious of the whole world...the only section of the society that i dont trust are auto rickshaw drivers and cats..that too for entirely personal reasons..once i trust a person i stand by them even when the whole world and my own brain goes agianst them...i dont think it takes years to develop trust..for me..trust is the basis of every relationship...good and bad...and when i say i trust you...i mean it....

3.GRIEF....my very own...had it not been for it..i wouldnt have realised how precious life is that death steals it away...it is the link to my love...its my sole companion through the storm hit days even though it eases no pain.....i have read somewer...
"between grief and nothing,some will take grief...but those who take nothing will surely regret,
that they cant be robbed in good time..thats a thief,...of memories that grief cannot make them forget........."


1.undoubtedly...LOVE....towards my family..my friends...my love...that uncondiotional emotion that stays with me even when i leave my hands and heart open...the best feeling ever to be in..it gives you pain...it gives you memories..it makes you live...to be loved and cared for is actually the best thing we can ask for..i could never actually explain what love was...i feel in the hug of my mom...the trust of my dad...touch of my love...words of my sis...and the presence of my dogs...i dunno what it actually is...but it prompts me to live and love more...maybe its that momentary madness that erupted in me and never quite subsided....maybe.....:)

10.ANGER....i would give anyone in this planet earth a run for their money for the title "angry young lady"..this emotion of mine comes way down at the bottom..because of the endless times i have ended up in trouble just because of the lack of control..u can say..short temper is my weakness..be it to my mom...my friends..or even the material stuff...when it totally goes against what i have in mind for it...but being a normal human being..i dont think i can afford to get rid of this...but i definitely hope this remains at the bottom always...

9.DISAPPOINTMENT....definitely not a frequent visitor like the above mentioned...but when it visited..it left its marks...it left me untouched for the first 15 years of my life...gave a blow when at 15 by giving me less than expected marks for 10th boards(believe me when i say this that studies were the only concern of my life then...)..it brought me back to ground zero...struck me with force of a tsunami at 17 for the pathetic marks at 12th boards and miserable performance at the entrance exams and a heinous choice of a friend...i m out of its touch for the past few years...maybe because my aspirations and dreams have reached normal ground level...:)

8.FEAR.....my greatest fear..is losing my loved ones...i cannot bear to even think of that....my fear of getting caught...my fear of failure...then comes my fear of...wooo...ghosts....spiders...snakes....cockroaches...lizards...all reptiles unspecified...i overcame my fear of darkness..dunno when and how....but i think being fearless takes a lot of fun out of life...how else can you scream...."iss jungle se mujhe bachaooo............"

7.ENVY....my most prized possession...i am envious of beauty..of perfection....i m jealous of pretty women...of models in hour glass figures adorning gorgeous sarees and dazzling diamonds...i m envious of most of the stuff i lack...envious of all the stuff that huge amounts of money buy without being aware of the fact that i have even priceless stuff with me that those very sums can never even afford....

6.HATE....somebody once said...hating my boy...is an art..i am proud to say that i have mastered that art...i can hate unconditionally...to the point of commiting a crime..yea..!!!i hate to kill...i am not gonna give any examples of whom and what i hate because then this post will be an endless one then....

5.JOY...i never seem to be a very happy person..i dont smile always...i dont jump around enthusiastically being the life and soul of any gang...i never seem satisfied...but the truth is..i find happiness in being happy...i get joy from the weirdest of stuff...the sight of sachin tendulkar walking onto the pitch to bat can make me happy even if i am in the deepest dumps after losing everything...i find joy in letting loose the ties and bonds for a while and crossing the line ocassionaly....i find joy in living life my own way...i find joy in teaching...i find joy in my doggies...hmmm...and i find ultimate joy in the happiness of the ones i love...:)

4.TRUST...This has always been my problem...i easily trust people...and blindly follow them and end up in trouble..but i guess its worthwhile to trust than be suspicious of the whole world...the only section of the society that i dont trust are auto rickshaw drivers and cats..that too for entirely personal reasons..once i trust a person i stand by them even when the whole world and my own brain goes agianst them...i dont think it takes years to develop trust..for me..trust is the basis of every relationship...good and bad...and when i say i trust you...i mean it....

3.GRIEF....my very own...had it not been for it..i wouldnt have realised how precious life is that death steals it away...it is the link to my love...its my sole companion through the storm hit days even though it eases no pain.....i have read somewer...
"between grief and nothing,some will take grief...but those who take nothing will surely regret,
that they cant be robbed in good time..thats a thief,...of memories that grief cannot make them forget........."


1.undoubtedly...LOVE....towards my family..my friends...my love...that uncondiotional emotion that stays with me even when i leave my hands and heart open...the best feeling ever to be in..it gives you pain...it gives you memories..it makes you live...to be loved and cared for is actually the best thing we can ask for..i could never actually explain what love was...i feel in the hug of my mom...the trust of my dad...touch of my love...words of my sis...and the presence of my dogs...i dunno what it actually is...but it prompts me to live and love more...maybe its that momentary madness that erupted in me and never quite subsided....maybe.....:)

Saturday, September 5, 2009
with love...
today is September 5th..teachers day!!
and today i want to take this opportunity to thank all those teachers who has ever taught me in my life..
i want to thank them for helping me evolve into what i am today...
and especially this post is dedicated to a very special few among them
to sr.louisa...
i dont know where to start from..i wouldnt be what i am today without you..it was you who found me..you who nurtured my talents...you encouraged me..cared for me...loved me..you taught me to be independent..you are one of those people to whom i am indebted for my life..i dont know how to thank you...u made me a successful student...and if i ever become someone worthy in life...i owe it all to you....i dont even know if our paths will cross again..but to me..you will always remain the woman of the world!!!....
to rita teacher..
for being more of a mother than a teacher...thank you!!!
to anitha teacher..
you were our support system at school...our best friend...my only favourite maths teacher...thank you...!!!
to anne teacher...vimala teacher..and..
to all those endless teachers of holy angels convent whose name i havent mentioned...i would like to take this opportunity to let you know that you will always be remembered as the best gifts god has ever showered upon me...
to all the teachers who had taught and tortured me at st.thomas central school..
i hated each of you while i lasted there..it was my sheer will power to prove you all wrong that made me work harder and reach where i am now...thank you!!!
to all the teachers at zephyr...thank you for your support....
wishing each of you a very happy teachers day!!
i was lucky i found you guys in my life!!!!....
and today i want to take this opportunity to thank all those teachers who has ever taught me in my life..
i want to thank them for helping me evolve into what i am today...
and especially this post is dedicated to a very special few among them
to sr.louisa...
i dont know where to start from..i wouldnt be what i am today without you..it was you who found me..you who nurtured my talents...you encouraged me..cared for me...loved me..you taught me to be independent..you are one of those people to whom i am indebted for my life..i dont know how to thank you...u made me a successful student...and if i ever become someone worthy in life...i owe it all to you....i dont even know if our paths will cross again..but to me..you will always remain the woman of the world!!!....
to rita teacher..
for being more of a mother than a teacher...thank you!!!
to anitha teacher..
you were our support system at school...our best friend...my only favourite maths teacher...thank you...!!!
to anne teacher...vimala teacher..and..
to all those endless teachers of holy angels convent whose name i havent mentioned...i would like to take this opportunity to let you know that you will always be remembered as the best gifts god has ever showered upon me...
to all the teachers who had taught and tortured me at st.thomas central school..
i hated each of you while i lasted there..it was my sheer will power to prove you all wrong that made me work harder and reach where i am now...thank you!!!
to all the teachers at zephyr...thank you for your support....
wishing each of you a very happy teachers day!!
i was lucky i found you guys in my life!!!!....
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
HAPPY ONAM everyone!!!!
another onam came..and its almost going..cant just adjust to the fact how fast years are passing by...well..we celebrated it the typical kerala way..ahemm...nt exactly...where you are expected to make an atham in front of your house...play around with your friends especially in a swing...sing songs and welcome maveli...dance to the tunes of thiruvathirakkali...an excellent feast in the afternoon..etc etc
a typical mallu family in a city has made a few radical changes to the above scenario..take for eg..my home...i begged with my mom to let me make an atham..but she wouldnt relent to it..thanks to my extremely naughty doggies..she fears the mess they will make...there goes our atham...i am playing around with my friends..but its an indoor game..hehe..sorority life in facebook...there was no tree to make a swing out of its branch..then i even missed the onam celebrations at college thanks to our spm tour..so no maveli and thiruvathira this time around...
and all these are substituted by the endless movies that are shown on various channels..3 of them yesterday..another 3 today...and yeahh...what remains unchanged is the excellent feast in the afternoon..the typical onam sadya...slurp!!!..i just finished it....:)
needless to say...we all enjoy onam..one way or the other..the only time when the chains locking our wallets hang loose and we even give away to the most stupidest of stuff in the market...a time for shopping...a time for togetherness...even if its sitting huddled in the sofa watching the movies...heyy..well...u cant have everything right???
and well...i guess another movie has started..and i can hear the title song blaring...i think its time for me to go...so heres wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous onam!!!...may all your dreams and wishes come true..!!!!:)
a typical mallu family in a city has made a few radical changes to the above scenario..take for eg..my home...i begged with my mom to let me make an atham..but she wouldnt relent to it..thanks to my extremely naughty doggies..she fears the mess they will make...there goes our atham...i am playing around with my friends..but its an indoor game..hehe..sorority life in facebook...there was no tree to make a swing out of its branch..then i even missed the onam celebrations at college thanks to our spm tour..so no maveli and thiruvathira this time around...
and all these are substituted by the endless movies that are shown on various channels..3 of them yesterday..another 3 today...and yeahh...what remains unchanged is the excellent feast in the afternoon..the typical onam sadya...slurp!!!..i just finished it....:)
needless to say...we all enjoy onam..one way or the other..the only time when the chains locking our wallets hang loose and we even give away to the most stupidest of stuff in the market...a time for shopping...a time for togetherness...even if its sitting huddled in the sofa watching the movies...heyy..well...u cant have everything right???
and well...i guess another movie has started..and i can hear the title song blaring...i think its time for me to go...so heres wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous onam!!!...may all your dreams and wishes come true..!!!!:)
Friday, August 28, 2009
i am soooo happy....i am a weeks leave for onam holidays...starting from today!!!....i m kinda taking a breather from what you call a very extremely hectic three-four months...i just want to relax and sleep and catch up on my long-lost diet plans and exercise regimes...but then cant totally ignore studies too as i have some imporatant works awaiting me at the other end of this week...
was at agastyakoodam for a couple of days...the so called spm tour...but it was 3/4th classes and 1/4th sight seeing...it was kind of fun...but it made me miss home soo much...i was irritated all through the tour...dont know why...well sir gave us some chits and asked us to jot down our comments about all others...that was the fun part...well..what i got was good...coz sir particularly asked to write only about the good things in others...and well..when you can write anonymously,people dont stick to the norms...i think a a couple of chits upset me that day...maybe that was the trouble...
and another awesome part was trekking through the forests looking out for lions....i loved that..even though the path taken was a bit scary...well..anyways..we reached back home...
i m too lazy now to type anymore...maybe some other time...
was at agastyakoodam for a couple of days...the so called spm tour...but it was 3/4th classes and 1/4th sight seeing...it was kind of fun...but it made me miss home soo much...i was irritated all through the tour...dont know why...well sir gave us some chits and asked us to jot down our comments about all others...that was the fun part...well..what i got was good...coz sir particularly asked to write only about the good things in others...and well..when you can write anonymously,people dont stick to the norms...i think a a couple of chits upset me that day...maybe that was the trouble...
and another awesome part was trekking through the forests looking out for lions....i loved that..even though the path taken was a bit scary...well..anyways..we reached back home...
i m too lazy now to type anymore...maybe some other time...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
my sis does this always..tag me....and mind u chitz..i am nt chaitz...i am the princess...!!!hehe...here goes..
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
"god!!!...look at all those pimple marks...i am soo ugly..!!!..spm tour didnt agree with me...i wanna go back home...!!!!!"
2. How much cash do you have in your wallet right now?
i dunno exactly...have to go downstairs and check..i guess around 2000rs...
3. What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?
4. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
cuppycake song
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
6. What are you wearing right now?
skirt and top
7. Do you label yourself?
9. Bright or Dark Room?
i prefer the dark room...except when i am typing or studying...my eye sight is getting worse by the day...
10. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
11. What does your watch look like?
i have about 4 different watches...which were all gifted to me...but i dont wear a watch..not even on my exam days...
12. What were you doing at midnight last night?
was celebrating the birthday of a friend with 25 other classmates in a dormitory at agastyakoodam...
13. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
"hey...why did you call me??"..from a friend reshma..
14. What’s a word that you say a lot?
15. Who told you he/she loved you last?
my boyfriend...for the first time a few weeks back after almost 3 years...:)
16. Last furry thing you touched
achu and bittu....i touched them together to avoid conflicts...
17. Favorite age you have been so far?
14 and 20...cant separate the two...!!!
18. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"what a crap serial"...to my mom a few minutes back..
19. The last song you listened to?
mele mele manam..manam mele..mannin koodaram....
20. Where did you live in 1987?
amniotic sac,uterus,womb of lolitha...my mom!!!!
21. Are you jealous of anyone?
i am jealous of everyone who has got a perfect figure and look beautiful...!!!
22. Is anyone jealous of you?
hahaha...fat chance!!!
23. Name three things that you have on you at all times
my cell phone...clothes....a ring on my finger...
24. What’s your favorite town/city?
bangalore...to visit...and trivandrum to stay...
25. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
3-4 years back...to my cousin kichu..
26. Can you change the oil on a car?
27. Your first love/big crush: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
kunchako boban....that he got married to that girl coz he was stuck with her and pressurised...excerpts from the conversation between three of her classmates...
28. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
my head....i havent slept for the past 36 hours...i got back home after a day n half from a posting...and i got a presentation to be completed for tomorrow
29. What is your current desktop picture?
yamaha R6
30. Have you been burnt by love?
yeaa....burnt and reduced to ashes....but then i was born again from those very same ashes beacause of that very same love...:)
i m tagging bhageerathi and happynutz.....:)
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
"god!!!...look at all those pimple marks...i am soo ugly..!!!..spm tour didnt agree with me...i wanna go back home...!!!!!"
2. How much cash do you have in your wallet right now?
i dunno exactly...have to go downstairs and check..i guess around 2000rs...
3. What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?
4. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
cuppycake song
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
6. What are you wearing right now?
skirt and top
7. Do you label yourself?
9. Bright or Dark Room?
i prefer the dark room...except when i am typing or studying...my eye sight is getting worse by the day...
10. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
11. What does your watch look like?
i have about 4 different watches...which were all gifted to me...but i dont wear a watch..not even on my exam days...
12. What were you doing at midnight last night?
was celebrating the birthday of a friend with 25 other classmates in a dormitory at agastyakoodam...
13. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
"hey...why did you call me??"..from a friend reshma..
14. What’s a word that you say a lot?
15. Who told you he/she loved you last?
my boyfriend...for the first time a few weeks back after almost 3 years...:)
16. Last furry thing you touched
achu and bittu....i touched them together to avoid conflicts...
17. Favorite age you have been so far?
14 and 20...cant separate the two...!!!
18. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"what a crap serial"...to my mom a few minutes back..
19. The last song you listened to?
mele mele manam..manam mele..mannin koodaram....
20. Where did you live in 1987?
amniotic sac,uterus,womb of lolitha...my mom!!!!
21. Are you jealous of anyone?
i am jealous of everyone who has got a perfect figure and look beautiful...!!!
22. Is anyone jealous of you?
hahaha...fat chance!!!
23. Name three things that you have on you at all times
my cell phone...clothes....a ring on my finger...
24. What’s your favorite town/city?
bangalore...to visit...and trivandrum to stay...
25. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
3-4 years back...to my cousin kichu..
26. Can you change the oil on a car?
27. Your first love/big crush: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
kunchako boban....that he got married to that girl coz he was stuck with her and pressurised...excerpts from the conversation between three of her classmates...
28. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
my head....i havent slept for the past 36 hours...i got back home after a day n half from a posting...and i got a presentation to be completed for tomorrow
29. What is your current desktop picture?
yamaha R6
30. Have you been burnt by love?
yeaa....burnt and reduced to ashes....but then i was born again from those very same ashes beacause of that very same love...:)
i m tagging bhageerathi and happynutz.....:)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
life in numbers...:)
ohkk...she tagged me again..and this one is going to be tough!!!!...its not going to be much since my life till date has been the most boring and quite normal...dont expect anything different or out of this world...:)
here goes...
1 is the position a very few people occupy in my heart and life..
2 doggies who are my life...cant imagine a life without them...
3 is the no of valuable years that i have completed till date studying mbbs
4 reminds me of my forth std onam exam which was the only time i scored less than 90% in my entire school life...
5 is the no of real good friends that i have at college without whom my college life would have been terrible...
6 is the minimum number of years i want to date a guy before marrying him...:-)
7 is the number of days i was admitted in a hospital for a surgery
8 is the no of THE most memorable times i have had till date with a certain someone....
9 reminds me of ninth standard when i was made head girl of the school..which still tops the most proudest moments of my life...(i dunno if proudest is a word)
10 takes me to my tenth grade when i made everyone proud and happy by topping the school and disappointed myself by falling short of my goal....
here goes...
1 is the position a very few people occupy in my heart and life..
2 doggies who are my life...cant imagine a life without them...
3 is the no of valuable years that i have completed till date studying mbbs
4 reminds me of my forth std onam exam which was the only time i scored less than 90% in my entire school life...
5 is the no of real good friends that i have at college without whom my college life would have been terrible...
6 is the minimum number of years i want to date a guy before marrying him...:-)
7 is the number of days i was admitted in a hospital for a surgery
8 is the no of THE most memorable times i have had till date with a certain someone....
9 reminds me of ninth standard when i was made head girl of the school..which still tops the most proudest moments of my life...(i dunno if proudest is a word)
10 takes me to my tenth grade when i made everyone proud and happy by topping the school and disappointed myself by falling short of my goal....
back again!!!
i am back again to the blogging world...i guess its been a loong loong time since i posted something...i guess i owe that no-blog state of mine to many things..."my laziness...my drowsiness...my tight schedule...disastrous postings...booring practicals..seminars...records...choti bahu getting interesting..etc etc.."
exams came and went by..i scraped through them...a new semester started...and boy!!where did that beautiful always bunking always free no practical third sem disappear to..???and to add a cherry to the cake..our first posting was ENT...and naturally owing to me being the luckiest i got into the strictest unit under the strictest sirs and madams...it was a month of no bunking..no tardiness...always being updated with dhingra(thats our ent textbook)...we had never entered the operation theatre before 10.00am on our theatre days....but this unit...our sir made us enter at 8 am sharp...and let us go a few minutes before our afternoon session starts...i was sick and tired of standing still for 5 hours at a stretch..i thought my soles would get atrophied.....
anyways...we all consoled ourselves saying that it was all for our good...we would study and study and at the end of the month emerge as "puli"s of ENT...and so we studied on...and on....towards the end of that month...another girl from our batch of a very leniant unit of ENT were teasing us on our pathetic condition...and one of us from my unit piped up..."so what??...we will emerge as big bhujis...do you people even know whats the real name of ENT??.."the other leniant-unit girl didnt reply but went on laughing..and our big bhuji retorted..."u dont even know that right???...its otorhinolaryngology...ear.nose.'TONGUE'..."......and there goes our one month of grinding down the drain...:)
now we are having spm postings....thats community medicine...very dreary...very hectic..loads of workload...there is another weekend in front of me...two presentations and a seminar to prepare...3 different records to complete...a stay tour in the middle of the week....dunno how this week will turn out....hope for the best...!!!!
exams came and went by..i scraped through them...a new semester started...and boy!!where did that beautiful always bunking always free no practical third sem disappear to..???and to add a cherry to the cake..our first posting was ENT...and naturally owing to me being the luckiest i got into the strictest unit under the strictest sirs and madams...it was a month of no bunking..no tardiness...always being updated with dhingra(thats our ent textbook)...we had never entered the operation theatre before 10.00am on our theatre days....but this unit...our sir made us enter at 8 am sharp...and let us go a few minutes before our afternoon session starts...i was sick and tired of standing still for 5 hours at a stretch..i thought my soles would get atrophied.....
anyways...we all consoled ourselves saying that it was all for our good...we would study and study and at the end of the month emerge as "puli"s of ENT...and so we studied on...and on....towards the end of that month...another girl from our batch of a very leniant unit of ENT were teasing us on our pathetic condition...and one of us from my unit piped up..."so what??...we will emerge as big bhujis...do you people even know whats the real name of ENT??.."the other leniant-unit girl didnt reply but went on laughing..and our big bhuji retorted..."u dont even know that right???...its otorhinolaryngology...ear.nose.'TONGUE'..."......and there goes our one month of grinding down the drain...:)
now we are having spm postings....thats community medicine...very dreary...very hectic..loads of workload...there is another weekend in front of me...two presentations and a seminar to prepare...3 different records to complete...a stay tour in the middle of the week....dunno how this week will turn out....hope for the best...!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
1. What time did you get up this morning?
at 7.15 am...had a bus to catch at 7.35 am and a class to attend at 8.00am...:)..live dangerously..they say!!!!
2. How do you like your steak?
well done..
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
love aajkal...cant consider it as a full movie..beacause i came out half way...was boring and dumb!!
4. What is your favourite TV show?
depends....will be some hindi serial...
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
6. What did you have for breakfast?
i skipped breakfast...:)
7. What is your favourite cuisine?
i am total foodie and not at all picky...anything tasty becomes the favourite cuisine of that time..
8. What foods do you dislike?
i dont like tandoor..chappati..orange...and certain veggie curries which my mom force me to eat..
9. Favourite Place to Eat?
on my bed while reading some book...on the sofa while watching tv....
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
a bentley...in my dreams!!!
12. What are your favourite clothes?
short skirts n top anytime...find jeans comfortable...dress code forces me to stick to salwar at college..
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
eiffel tower....and disneyland
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
if its good stuff...thn half empty...if not..thn half full...:)
15. Where would you want to retire?
wanna sleep for more than 10 hours a day...look after a lot of doggies at my own place...which would be a something which makes the lodge mansion look like an outhouse...and spent the remaining hours driving around in my bentley.....so modest!!!!!
16. Favourite time of day?
17. Where were you born?
18. What is your favourite sport to watch?
CRICKET....only wen sachin is playing for india...i plan to develop selective amnesia to cricket once sachin retires...i love to watch tennis too..federer blossomed my interest in tennis....!!!
19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
noone has ever tagged me...except my sis this one time...so no idea!!!
20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
those ppl dont blog...so its no use being curious...
22. Bird watcher?
whoo me????...nevaa!!!
23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
i can adapt to both depending on situations....but on most ocassions definitely a night person!!!
24. Do you have any pets?
yess!!!...right now got two of them...a pomerarian and a gsd..my darlings...the love of my life....my achu and bittu....
25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?
na...my life has neva been soo dull and monotonous...
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
an IPS officer...:)
27. What is your best childhood memory?
i dont have any baad memories of my childhood.....:-)
28. Are you a cat or dog person?
always and forever...a dog person!!
29. Are you married?
30. Always wear your seat belt?
wenever i drived till date..i didnt wear them...but in my bentley i alwazz do...!!
31. Been in a car accident?
32. Any pet peeves?
yep...a constant complaint....people always compare me with my sis and find me dissatisfactory..!!!...ego ego....
33. Favourite Pizza Toppings?
salami....wid loads n loads of cheese...
34. Favourite Flower?
35. Favourite ice cream?
vanilla....i just cant seem to get enough of that...
36. Favourite fast food restaurant?
every one of them i visited...till date..!!!!
37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
38. From whom did you get your last email?
from kalyani...i think it was a forward msg..
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
i dont have a credit card...if i had i would spend it on a place wer i can buy loads of game cds and clothes...!!
40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
yes...made a poster on leprosy yesterday...the idea came on to me like thunderbolt...and glad to say everyone loved it..
41. Happy with your job?
i m still a student...happy or not...i will remain a student for the next few years..
42. Broccoli?
43. What was your favourite vacation?
i think it was the vacation after my 10th std..when we all went to kodaikanal...
44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
my boyfriend..
45. What are you listening to right now?
the title song of some sickening serial of dd4 from the tv of the house next to us where two old ladies who are almost deaf are staying....so their tv volume is always sky high...!!!
46. What is your favourite colour?
black...always makes me look thin...:)
47. How many tattoos do you have?
none....i dont wanna die of cancer..!!!
48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
49. In What time did you finish this quiz?
50. Coffee Drinker?
absolutely forebidden!!!!
and here i tag happynutzz!!!!!
at 7.15 am...had a bus to catch at 7.35 am and a class to attend at 8.00am...:)..live dangerously..they say!!!!
2. How do you like your steak?
well done..
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
love aajkal...cant consider it as a full movie..beacause i came out half way...was boring and dumb!!
4. What is your favourite TV show?
depends....will be some hindi serial...
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
6. What did you have for breakfast?
i skipped breakfast...:)
7. What is your favourite cuisine?
i am total foodie and not at all picky...anything tasty becomes the favourite cuisine of that time..
8. What foods do you dislike?
i dont like tandoor..chappati..orange...and certain veggie curries which my mom force me to eat..
9. Favourite Place to Eat?
on my bed while reading some book...on the sofa while watching tv....
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
a bentley...in my dreams!!!
12. What are your favourite clothes?
short skirts n top anytime...find jeans comfortable...dress code forces me to stick to salwar at college..
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
eiffel tower....and disneyland
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
if its good stuff...thn half empty...if not..thn half full...:)
15. Where would you want to retire?
wanna sleep for more than 10 hours a day...look after a lot of doggies at my own place...which would be a something which makes the lodge mansion look like an outhouse...and spent the remaining hours driving around in my bentley.....so modest!!!!!
16. Favourite time of day?
17. Where were you born?
18. What is your favourite sport to watch?
CRICKET....only wen sachin is playing for india...i plan to develop selective amnesia to cricket once sachin retires...i love to watch tennis too..federer blossomed my interest in tennis....!!!
19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
noone has ever tagged me...except my sis this one time...so no idea!!!
20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
those ppl dont blog...so its no use being curious...
22. Bird watcher?
whoo me????...nevaa!!!
23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
i can adapt to both depending on situations....but on most ocassions definitely a night person!!!
24. Do you have any pets?
yess!!!...right now got two of them...a pomerarian and a gsd..my darlings...the love of my life....my achu and bittu....
25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?
na...my life has neva been soo dull and monotonous...
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
an IPS officer...:)
27. What is your best childhood memory?
i dont have any baad memories of my childhood.....:-)
28. Are you a cat or dog person?
always and forever...a dog person!!
29. Are you married?
30. Always wear your seat belt?
wenever i drived till date..i didnt wear them...but in my bentley i alwazz do...!!
31. Been in a car accident?
32. Any pet peeves?
yep...a constant complaint....people always compare me with my sis and find me dissatisfactory..!!!...ego ego....
33. Favourite Pizza Toppings?
salami....wid loads n loads of cheese...
34. Favourite Flower?
35. Favourite ice cream?
vanilla....i just cant seem to get enough of that...
36. Favourite fast food restaurant?
every one of them i visited...till date..!!!!
37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
38. From whom did you get your last email?
from kalyani...i think it was a forward msg..
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
i dont have a credit card...if i had i would spend it on a place wer i can buy loads of game cds and clothes...!!
40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
yes...made a poster on leprosy yesterday...the idea came on to me like thunderbolt...and glad to say everyone loved it..
41. Happy with your job?
i m still a student...happy or not...i will remain a student for the next few years..
42. Broccoli?
43. What was your favourite vacation?
i think it was the vacation after my 10th std..when we all went to kodaikanal...
44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
my boyfriend..
45. What are you listening to right now?
the title song of some sickening serial of dd4 from the tv of the house next to us where two old ladies who are almost deaf are staying....so their tv volume is always sky high...!!!
46. What is your favourite colour?
black...always makes me look thin...:)
47. How many tattoos do you have?
none....i dont wanna die of cancer..!!!
48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
49. In What time did you finish this quiz?
50. Coffee Drinker?
absolutely forebidden!!!!
and here i tag happynutzz!!!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
harry potter and the half blood prince...
its with great expectations and after a lot of fighting that i went in to watch the latest instalment of the harry potter series in movies..even though i am a big harry potter fan..i always enjoyed the movies..except when they gave us a beggar like sirius..they were always a treat to watch...but this time...i was in for a shock...even after the raving reviews by the critics and the exhilarating box office collections...
for starters the movie was painstakingly long...i kept looking at the time when it was going to end...the special effects n everything technical were awesome...but the movie was disappointing...where to start from??..too much romance..and even the kiss of harry and ginny was pathetic...their relationship which budded in this book was not adapted worthily..too much of lavender..but ron as usual was hilarious...with his antics...hermione seemed stupid in this..its her brain that dominates right from book 1 and helps harry get through anything...their friendship lacked the magic..the laughs seemed forced..the tears seemed fake..
where shal i start from??..there is no conversation between the british prime minister and the minister of magic...rufus scrimgeour isnt even shown...there is no inspiring and emotional dialogues like "dumbledore's man through and through"..luna finds harry in the train where he was attacked and stashed by malfoy..not tonks...
why is there a need to stray away from the storyline??why fabricate stuff and omit out important stuff when you have a book with a storyline as good as any script you can get..the 6th book was all about harry understanding voldemorts character with the help of some memories...we seem him evolving to be deadly...but in the movies...its just 2 memories that are shown...and the horcruxes are nt given enough importance...no idea is given as to what sort of objects voldemort will try to make as horcrux...how is harry going to find them???...there is no history shown of the ring...
it makes you cringe when dumbledore asks harry in passing whether he is seeing hermione...and dumbledore can apparate and disapparate from inside the castle...in the book they disapparated from hogsmeade...it seems the rule doesnt apply to dumbledore in the movie...the burrow is burned down in the movie..where are they goin to hold bills and fleurs wedding in the next movie??..there is no fight between the members of the dumbledores army and the order of phoenix with the death eaters in the end...bill is not getting bitten by fenrir the werewolf...so he wont probably be scarred in the next movie!!!..well..they didnt show fleur in this one..so probably..they are gonna omit that part too....
and in the cave when dumbledore drinks the potion...he doesnt scream.."leave them..dont hurt them..hurt me instead.."...does that mean dumbledore story is not going to be shown in the 7th movie...??..harry wasnt bodybound by dumbledore and made to watch helplessly as he was killed.....there is no funeral of dumbledore and the wand was in the headmasters office when harry went to visit there after his death...isnt it supposed to be buried along with him in the tomb??..isnt that from where voldemort gets it after breaking open the tomb...
draco malfoy was brilliant...so was professor slughorn...there is a scene just after dumbledores death when everyone lights their wands and shows it upwards and the dark mark vanishes over the tower...i dont know why..but that scene touched me..maybe because i love dumbledore soo much...or maybe because it was a beautiful scene...apart from this...i am sorely disappointed by the movie...i even started to walk away half way through the movie...i shudder to think what theyare going to do with the deathly hallows...splitting it into two movies is fine...but omissions like this destroy the beauty....this may be the biggest grosser among all harry potter movies...but i am sure this will be the one which everyone would like to forget...
this is injustice done to harry potter...j.krowling...and to the million fans around the world who relish the magical world created by rowling and adore their hero...harry potter..the boy who lived..!!!!!!!
for starters the movie was painstakingly long...i kept looking at the time when it was going to end...the special effects n everything technical were awesome...but the movie was disappointing...where to start from??..too much romance..and even the kiss of harry and ginny was pathetic...their relationship which budded in this book was not adapted worthily..too much of lavender..but ron as usual was hilarious...with his antics...hermione seemed stupid in this..its her brain that dominates right from book 1 and helps harry get through anything...their friendship lacked the magic..the laughs seemed forced..the tears seemed fake..
where shal i start from??..there is no conversation between the british prime minister and the minister of magic...rufus scrimgeour isnt even shown...there is no inspiring and emotional dialogues like "dumbledore's man through and through"..luna finds harry in the train where he was attacked and stashed by malfoy..not tonks...
why is there a need to stray away from the storyline??why fabricate stuff and omit out important stuff when you have a book with a storyline as good as any script you can get..the 6th book was all about harry understanding voldemorts character with the help of some memories...we seem him evolving to be deadly...but in the movies...its just 2 memories that are shown...and the horcruxes are nt given enough importance...no idea is given as to what sort of objects voldemort will try to make as horcrux...how is harry going to find them???...there is no history shown of the ring...
it makes you cringe when dumbledore asks harry in passing whether he is seeing hermione...and dumbledore can apparate and disapparate from inside the castle...in the book they disapparated from hogsmeade...it seems the rule doesnt apply to dumbledore in the movie...the burrow is burned down in the movie..where are they goin to hold bills and fleurs wedding in the next movie??..there is no fight between the members of the dumbledores army and the order of phoenix with the death eaters in the end...bill is not getting bitten by fenrir the werewolf...so he wont probably be scarred in the next movie!!!..well..they didnt show fleur in this one..so probably..they are gonna omit that part too....
and in the cave when dumbledore drinks the potion...he doesnt scream.."leave them..dont hurt them..hurt me instead.."...does that mean dumbledore story is not going to be shown in the 7th movie...??..harry wasnt bodybound by dumbledore and made to watch helplessly as he was killed.....there is no funeral of dumbledore and the wand was in the headmasters office when harry went to visit there after his death...isnt it supposed to be buried along with him in the tomb??..isnt that from where voldemort gets it after breaking open the tomb...
draco malfoy was brilliant...so was professor slughorn...there is a scene just after dumbledores death when everyone lights their wands and shows it upwards and the dark mark vanishes over the tower...i dont know why..but that scene touched me..maybe because i love dumbledore soo much...or maybe because it was a beautiful scene...apart from this...i am sorely disappointed by the movie...i even started to walk away half way through the movie...i shudder to think what theyare going to do with the deathly hallows...splitting it into two movies is fine...but omissions like this destroy the beauty....this may be the biggest grosser among all harry potter movies...but i am sure this will be the one which everyone would like to forget...
this is injustice done to harry potter...j.krowling...and to the million fans around the world who relish the magical world created by rowling and adore their hero...harry potter..the boy who lived..!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
i am desperate to do well this time...exams fast approaching...sleepless nights...coffe-ful stomach...joint pain by carrying heavy books....its our first internals...
'pharmacology padichal orkathilla
pathology padichal theerathilla
microbiology padikkan thonnathilla
forensic medicine padikkan pattathilla
medicine,surgery,gynaec padikkathumilla......'
courtesy:2k7 mbbs,medical colg,tvpm...
'pharmacology padichal orkathilla
pathology padichal theerathilla
microbiology padikkan thonnathilla
forensic medicine padikkan pattathilla
medicine,surgery,gynaec padikkathumilla......'
courtesy:2k7 mbbs,medical colg,tvpm...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
weighty issues!!!
i am a 20 year old..163.5cms tall...with a few extra kilos...which i have been trying to lose since the day i saw the mirror..!!!...i m not obese..not that fat...just a bit heavy here and there...and no..its not due to my genetic constitution..i dont have a very slow metabolism...i dont have any history of obesity in my family...but blame it all on my love...my love for food...the craving the very sight of it enervates in me...blame it on my moms extra ordinary culinary skills...and her blame it on her love to "love to feed me"...
i dont target size zero...i just want to be trim...i have lost quite many kilos..and ther are some more to be shed...and i am gonna start that adventure from tomorrow...i am gonna befriend my old best friends...i.e..treadmill and cycle...again...i m gonna cut down on my calories...i m gonna stick to my "one meal a day" routine..i m not gonna be enticed by tropical icebergs or sipups or mars...i m not gonna say yes when amma asks if i want second helping..i am not gonna encourage when amma asks me every morning what special i want thata day..i am gonna keep my word..i am gonna prove my point to some people that if i can lose some weight..i can lose even more...yeaa..!!!...i m gonna lose weight...TARGET:55 kilos.....
yeaa....i am dieting...!!!
i dont target size zero...i just want to be trim...i have lost quite many kilos..and ther are some more to be shed...and i am gonna start that adventure from tomorrow...i am gonna befriend my old best friends...i.e..treadmill and cycle...again...i m gonna cut down on my calories...i m gonna stick to my "one meal a day" routine..i m not gonna be enticed by tropical icebergs or sipups or mars...i m not gonna say yes when amma asks if i want second helping..i am not gonna encourage when amma asks me every morning what special i want thata day..i am gonna keep my word..i am gonna prove my point to some people that if i can lose some weight..i can lose even more...yeaa..!!!...i m gonna lose weight...TARGET:55 kilos.....
yeaa....i am dieting...!!!

autorickshaw almighty!!!!
i have been thinking for quite a while about what to write in this blog..been running out of ideas and also been too lazy toconvert those inspirations i get to blogs..well..i should say..the domination of my sis in front of the computer do help my bloggers block!!!.
but today i just couldnt help but blog...saw an interesting piece in todays newspaper about auto rickshaw drivers...ohh..wow!!..i could identify with it like anything...especially since i started college i depend on rickshaws..my mom hav stopped dropping me and picking me up..i m on my own..
i study at medical colg,tvm...and i stay at pattoor...the distance from my college to the main gate is about 1 km..so if i get into an auto from inside and goes home,the meter charges around 25-30rs...and if i hail the auto from the main gate,its 18-20rs by the meter...but the story aint that cheerful everyday...
shift to evening around 3...me tired after a hectic day at college...sick of all the diseases and frustrated with the lecture classes..my mind has just one mantra.."home..home..home"...dreaming about the comforts of eating something..hitting the sack...ahh...and those days..when i feel extravagant and find around some 5 autos parked in front of the college...i go and ask.."pattoor pokuvo"..and the rickshwala gives me a look...as though i sinned terribly...and without a word he just drives away...and i walk a little more distance..reach in front of rcc...where hoardes of autos are parked...and here also..the story is similar...the autos are just parked..they aint gonna move...and some guys even have the guts to say.."pattoor??...it will be 75rs"..."huh!!!...did i hear you wrong??"..."minimun 60 rs will be charged"...and i walk away dejected...
still keep on walking..past sct..the grounds..nmj...sat...several autos drift by teasing me to call them...and finally reach the main gate..where a million autos are parked...but even they wont go to pattoor...and sometimes..if i am lucky..i get some kind hearted soul who will gladly take me to my home charging me by the meter...
and now..i am tired of playing games with the rickshaw ppl...one day...i got into a rickshaw and told him.."pattoor"..NO...kowdiar??..NOO...nanthencode????....nooo....kumarapuram????...no way!!...main gate???..."20 rs"...and i said..thank you and came out...some rickshaw drivers are irritating when they are kind enough to get you home..."r u studying here??"..yess...doc or dentist?...doc!!..."ohh!!mbbs is not good enough...u need to get a post graduation and a super speciality"...and i justr smile stopping myself from venting my frustrations on him lest he should change his mind about getting me to my destination...and he goes on.."i wouldnt go to a doc if he doesnt have a minimum of 3 degrees"...hmmm...."do u do operations?"..."no..we dont..we just study when docs with three and more degrees do them"..."do u know to prescribe medicines??"..."not totally ignorant...but we dont do it now...".."have you ever saved a persons life??".."duhh...not exactly.."...."then y r u a doctor???"....thank god...that time when he posed me the same question which i hav been asking myself for a couple of years..it was home!!!...the meter showed 18.50rs....i gave him 20 rs....and he goes like..."hey...i need to get back..u should give me atleast 35.."..it was my turn to give him a scathing look and scamper off home....
but not all are like them..there are some very kind hearted people who give you the ride for the meter charge and get you home safe...but they are a very endangered population..almost becoming extinct...had it not been for my very notorious driving skills...i could have avoided them and got a scooter...but these people...have done something good for me...now i walk a minimum of 2 kms everyday...i save 75% of the auto cash given by amma by boarding a bus...only in very sticky unavoidable situations..i call upon the rickshaw almighty!!!...
lemme wrap up this post by narrating a very funny experience i had just a couple of days back..6 of us got into an auto from college and went to KIMS...to visit a classmates father...the meter displayed "21rs"..the rickshawala demanded "45"...one of us...said.."by law...only meter cash should be charged"...and that very funny guy replied.."by law..only 3 should be allowed in an auto..u were 6..so i charge double..."...i rest my case!!!!
but today i just couldnt help but blog...saw an interesting piece in todays newspaper about auto rickshaw drivers...ohh..wow!!..i could identify with it like anything...especially since i started college i depend on rickshaws..my mom hav stopped dropping me and picking me up..i m on my own..
i study at medical colg,tvm...and i stay at pattoor...the distance from my college to the main gate is about 1 km..so if i get into an auto from inside and goes home,the meter charges around 25-30rs...and if i hail the auto from the main gate,its 18-20rs by the meter...but the story aint that cheerful everyday...
shift to evening around 3...me tired after a hectic day at college...sick of all the diseases and frustrated with the lecture classes..my mind has just one mantra.."home..home..home"...dreaming about the comforts of eating something..hitting the sack...ahh...and those days..when i feel extravagant and find around some 5 autos parked in front of the college...i go and ask.."pattoor pokuvo"..and the rickshwala gives me a look...as though i sinned terribly...and without a word he just drives away...and i walk a little more distance..reach in front of rcc...where hoardes of autos are parked...and here also..the story is similar...the autos are just parked..they aint gonna move...and some guys even have the guts to say.."pattoor??...it will be 75rs"..."huh!!!...did i hear you wrong??"..."minimun 60 rs will be charged"...and i walk away dejected...
still keep on walking..past sct..the grounds..nmj...sat...several autos drift by teasing me to call them...and finally reach the main gate..where a million autos are parked...but even they wont go to pattoor...and sometimes..if i am lucky..i get some kind hearted soul who will gladly take me to my home charging me by the meter...
and now..i am tired of playing games with the rickshaw ppl...one day...i got into a rickshaw and told him.."pattoor"..NO...kowdiar??..NOO...nanthencode????....nooo....kumarapuram????...no way!!...main gate???..."20 rs"...and i said..thank you and came out...some rickshaw drivers are irritating when they are kind enough to get you home..."r u studying here??"..yess...doc or dentist?...doc!!..."ohh!!mbbs is not good enough...u need to get a post graduation and a super speciality"...and i justr smile stopping myself from venting my frustrations on him lest he should change his mind about getting me to my destination...and he goes on.."i wouldnt go to a doc if he doesnt have a minimum of 3 degrees"...hmmm...."do u do operations?"..."no..we dont..we just study when docs with three and more degrees do them"..."do u know to prescribe medicines??"..."not totally ignorant...but we dont do it now...".."have you ever saved a persons life??".."duhh...not exactly.."...."then y r u a doctor???"....thank god...that time when he posed me the same question which i hav been asking myself for a couple of years..it was home!!!...the meter showed 18.50rs....i gave him 20 rs....and he goes like..."hey...i need to get back..u should give me atleast 35.."..it was my turn to give him a scathing look and scamper off home....
but not all are like them..there are some very kind hearted people who give you the ride for the meter charge and get you home safe...but they are a very endangered population..almost becoming extinct...had it not been for my very notorious driving skills...i could have avoided them and got a scooter...but these people...have done something good for me...now i walk a minimum of 2 kms everyday...i save 75% of the auto cash given by amma by boarding a bus...only in very sticky unavoidable situations..i call upon the rickshaw almighty!!!...
lemme wrap up this post by narrating a very funny experience i had just a couple of days back..6 of us got into an auto from college and went to KIMS...to visit a classmates father...the meter displayed "21rs"..the rickshawala demanded "45"...one of us...said.."by law...only meter cash should be charged"...and that very funny guy replied.."by law..only 3 should be allowed in an auto..u were 6..so i charge double..."...i rest my case!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
why mr.khan why????
disclaimer:what i have posted below are entirely my personal opinions and whatever anybody says will not bring any change to it...if i have hurt the sentiments of any...i didnt mean to do it...feel free to post your opinions tooo....the post below is the musings of a frustrated 20 year old who hates to see her fave stars bickering like hens...an honest post right from the heart...but can also be viewed as absolutely childish,rubbish and biased....no worries!!!!
why do you have to make me hate you...mr.amir khan??..i always considered you a nice guy..someone who was more into making good movies...who gave us plenty to stuff t think about...who was also an epitome of a good image...why do you have to spoil it for yourself..dude!!!!
why the great bickering???...whats the problem with srk??..if you dont think hes king khan..its not going to make any difference...its not you..who made him the king..its his billion fanatics...true..you are riding high on the success of ghajini...but it was an exact replica of the tamil original...you strut around as though the whole thing was a byproduct of the reactions in your grey matter...i personally think you are one of the best actors hindi film industry has ever produced..i love all your movies....i sat thru 3 hrs of ghajini in a theatre packed wid cockroaches jus to see u...but ghajini...no way!!!...you lacked the sensitivity of surya...you were busy enjoying yourself as a superstar in this movie...that you might have forgotten the basics...
srk might be getting old...so are you...you cannot pass off as a 35 year old...and why the hell are you sucking up to mr.big B???...when you started going public...do you have to stoop that low??..we want our old amir khan back...we want less of you in public...more of you in movies...admit your mistakes...leave the king and baadshah pedestals to srk...you cant promote your movies like he does...you cant do an om shanti om and kkhh and ddlj....and he cant do a dil chahtha hai and etc etc...if you had 8 packs...he got 6 of them before you...he started the trend...you just improvised it...if rab ne bana de jodi didnt do better than singh is king..who cares??....did you forget to check if the so called box collections of singh is king was hyped or not???...i have seen both...and rab ne is a real feel good movie...loved you...mr.suri....just by signing up to the rival brands of srk doesnt prove tat they are the best...lemme tell u...samsung sucks!!!!
you are proving srk right...that you are using the biggest brand itself for promoting your films...namely brand srk!!!...grow up mr.khan....its high time you did...we expect better from you....
why do you have to make me hate you...mr.amir khan??..i always considered you a nice guy..someone who was more into making good movies...who gave us plenty to stuff t think about...who was also an epitome of a good image...why do you have to spoil it for yourself..dude!!!!
why the great bickering???...whats the problem with srk??..if you dont think hes king khan..its not going to make any difference...its not you..who made him the king..its his billion fanatics...true..you are riding high on the success of ghajini...but it was an exact replica of the tamil original...you strut around as though the whole thing was a byproduct of the reactions in your grey matter...i personally think you are one of the best actors hindi film industry has ever produced..i love all your movies....i sat thru 3 hrs of ghajini in a theatre packed wid cockroaches jus to see u...but ghajini...no way!!!...you lacked the sensitivity of surya...you were busy enjoying yourself as a superstar in this movie...that you might have forgotten the basics...
srk might be getting old...so are you...you cannot pass off as a 35 year old...and why the hell are you sucking up to mr.big B???...when you started going public...do you have to stoop that low??..we want our old amir khan back...we want less of you in public...more of you in movies...admit your mistakes...leave the king and baadshah pedestals to srk...you cant promote your movies like he does...you cant do an om shanti om and kkhh and ddlj....and he cant do a dil chahtha hai and etc etc...if you had 8 packs...he got 6 of them before you...he started the trend...you just improvised it...if rab ne bana de jodi didnt do better than singh is king..who cares??....did you forget to check if the so called box collections of singh is king was hyped or not???...i have seen both...and rab ne is a real feel good movie...loved you...mr.suri....just by signing up to the rival brands of srk doesnt prove tat they are the best...lemme tell u...samsung sucks!!!!
you are proving srk right...that you are using the biggest brand itself for promoting your films...namely brand srk!!!...grow up mr.khan....its high time you did...we expect better from you....
Thursday, February 26, 2009
bang bang bang bang......!!!!...bang bang...............!!!!!
similar noises can be heard everyday from dusk onwards from my home...nopes..it aint diwali...we aint invaded by some terrorists or for that matter aliens...but heck...attacked by an equally powerful swarm of mosquitoes...even when the sun is being merciless...drenching us every couple of minutes with our own sweat(if u think you are feeling the heat..then think of the added agony of wearing a coat all through the day)...dehydrating our water reserves...making the water melon vendors a happy lot...i hoped i would get some kind of a relief when the sun has gone down..but heck...itss as hot as morning...and well...thats where the heroes of the night come...
with music that would even challenge the likes of mozart...unceremoniously sticking their blasted horns into god knows where....my palms were sore from all that swatting...thats when my mommy genius suddenly had a great idea to buy something..yep..the killer bat!!!....
typical scenario in the evening..amma and i fighting over who gets to kill the mosquitoes...me winning the duel always...the bangs are music to our ears...running around my home...my obstetrics text in one hand and the bat in the other....mosquitoes flew helter-skelter......they knew then that the killer human has evolved!!!!
yeaaa.....we won!!...but not for loong.....
they changed their tactics...they started flying low...they knew that the exercise deprived community would never stoop soo low just to kill them...but then....i changed my tactics too....
but they are never ending....u kill them...they doubles...they are breeding like hell...i wish some mosquito genius would invent some kind of contraceptives for them....i am tired of running around the house killing them...and these mosquitoes attack me with a new found zest whenever my 'killer-bat's battery is down and its kept for charging......
there is just no end to these mosquitoes...the mosquito coils are all useless!!....i have realized that the smoke coming from these coils provide an optimum condition for their breeding...i always find the maximum mosquitoes on top of these coils....
go away mosquitoes....shooo!!....i dont want any yellow fever or dengur or malaria...i dont want you blood sucking vampires to attack me....scat!!!....i dont want those red rahes on my skin.....i dont want you disturbing my sleep....why cant you just become extinct??...then maybe..we would love you....
and i post this....sitting in a room with 2 mosquito coils and 2 fans on and armed with a bat..guess..whats happening around me...and to me........

the saga contiues........
similar noises can be heard everyday from dusk onwards from my home...nopes..it aint diwali...we aint invaded by some terrorists or for that matter aliens...but heck...attacked by an equally powerful swarm of mosquitoes...even when the sun is being merciless...drenching us every couple of minutes with our own sweat(if u think you are feeling the heat..then think of the added agony of wearing a coat all through the day)...dehydrating our water reserves...making the water melon vendors a happy lot...i hoped i would get some kind of a relief when the sun has gone down..but heck...itss as hot as morning...and well...thats where the heroes of the night come...
with music that would even challenge the likes of mozart...unceremoniously sticking their blasted horns into god knows where....my palms were sore from all that swatting...thats when my mommy genius suddenly had a great idea to buy something..yep..the killer bat!!!....
typical scenario in the evening..amma and i fighting over who gets to kill the mosquitoes...me winning the duel always...the bangs are music to our ears...running around my home...my obstetrics text in one hand and the bat in the other....mosquitoes flew helter-skelter......they knew then that the killer human has evolved!!!!
yeaaa.....we won!!...but not for loong.....
they changed their tactics...they started flying low...they knew that the exercise deprived community would never stoop soo low just to kill them...but then....i changed my tactics too....
but they are never ending....u kill them...they doubles...they are breeding like hell...i wish some mosquito genius would invent some kind of contraceptives for them....i am tired of running around the house killing them...and these mosquitoes attack me with a new found zest whenever my 'killer-bat's battery is down and its kept for charging......
there is just no end to these mosquitoes...the mosquito coils are all useless!!....i have realized that the smoke coming from these coils provide an optimum condition for their breeding...i always find the maximum mosquitoes on top of these coils....
go away mosquitoes....shooo!!....i dont want any yellow fever or dengur or malaria...i dont want you blood sucking vampires to attack me....scat!!!....i dont want those red rahes on my skin.....i dont want you disturbing my sleep....why cant you just become extinct??...then maybe..we would love you....
and i post this....sitting in a room with 2 mosquito coils and 2 fans on and armed with a bat..guess..whats happening around me...and to me........

the saga contiues........
Saturday, February 14, 2009
love is in the air...
another valentines day has passed by...definitely a memorable one this time around...but again apart from all those gift exchanging..lovey-dovey talks...and a trip down the nostalgia through those beautiful memories of days spend...i really dont think that we should need a day to celebrate love or the one we love...but i m glad that there is atleast an official day where people take a moment to think of their dear ones...
for me being together is in itself a celebration..love should not be minimised to a single day...celebrate it queen size each moment you are together...the smiles...the cuddles..the snuggles...the fights...the misunderstandings...the make ups...the hugs and the kisses...celebrate it because being in love is something special...even with all the pain that come along with it...
so people...even if you are soo busy changing the world today..stop for a moment...theres still time...you are not late...think about the one who made you smile...who makes your life complete...about the one you miss the most...about the one you are thinking of right now...if you havent then go ahead and make it special...in your own special way...
and to those who are not lucky enough to have one...cupids arrows will not be blunt forever....
and to those who think they are better off without one...i cant explain what you are missing...
and here's my valentine gift..not just to one...but to all of you...who celebrate love..and the very essence of it...my big valentine's day bear hug!!!
for me being together is in itself a celebration..love should not be minimised to a single day...celebrate it queen size each moment you are together...the smiles...the cuddles..the snuggles...the fights...the misunderstandings...the make ups...the hugs and the kisses...celebrate it because being in love is something special...even with all the pain that come along with it...
so people...even if you are soo busy changing the world today..stop for a moment...theres still time...you are not late...think about the one who made you smile...who makes your life complete...about the one you miss the most...about the one you are thinking of right now...if you havent then go ahead and make it special...in your own special way...
and to those who are not lucky enough to have one...cupids arrows will not be blunt forever....
and to those who think they are better off without one...i cant explain what you are missing...
and here's my valentine gift..not just to one...but to all of you...who celebrate love..and the very essence of it...my big valentine's day bear hug!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009
me loves them...!!!!!
any kiddie in school can love like a fool..but hating my boy is an art!!!...i didnt say this..but this quote has stuck with me right from the time some 4-5 years back when i first read it in readers digest...i always thought i was quite an exception to it...it was always easy for me to hate..easy enough to find faults...easy to be envious..jealous and finally hate to kill!!!...gee..i might come across as homicidal..but in some ways i am speaking the truth...so when i decided to kill time by writing in my blog..i decided against posting about stuff i hate..because its a never ending list...but about what and whom i love....hmmm..tough job!!!here goes....
me loves my dad!!...popsy baby is the ultimate daddy cool..he didnt tell me how to live..he lived and let me watch him doing it..and i learned thus...handsome enough to be haughty...self made..truly a gem of a person who always made me feel worthy...one of the few people to whom i feel like giving a hug and and saying that i love you...its true that any man can be a father...but it takes something special to be a dad..and i am glad that i have one...
me loves my mom!!...i fight with her..i threaten her..she beats me up...she says the most "what not to be said" to me...she reprimands me...i hate her intuition which most of the times turn right...i hate her for nagging me...for always thinking about the worst..for being a damsel in distress and dramatising things...but i love it when she allows me to love...to explore and to learn..i love it that i have someone who cares for me...i love it that i have someone whom i can vent my feelings to..who knows me 97% inside out...i love it that i have someone who helps me grow,prosper and reach heights...i love it that i have my mom....
me...ahhmm...loves my sis!!!...ours have always been a love hate relationship..she is the only one who had the snootiness in her to provoke my homicidal nature...shes bitchy when provoked...she follows the principle..the grass is always greener on the other side...shes never politically correct...i hate her hippocrisy...i hate her for being goodlooking...i hate her for being the better one always...indeed she is the lucky one for having me as a sis..but sometimes...i do feel...that she is the best friend that i never had...
me loves him!!!...nopes..not anyone can get into that "him" since its a pronoun...i meant specifically...love him for making me feel alive..for shattering the realities and making me fly...for making every wrong i did right by just being with me...for forgiving...for teaching me to smile and enjoy...for being that momentary madness that just grew in me...for giving me memories to treasure all through...no man is perfect until you love him..and i love him for being my perfect guy!!!
me loves achubittu...they are my dogs..for being the reincarnation of lord voldemort(achu the pomerarian)..and that of swami vivekananda(bittu the gsd)...for making our small family complete...for stealing chocolates out of my pocket...for licking away my tears when i am crying...for the matrix show you provide every night...for understanding everything said in hindi,english and malayalam except the word patti...for playing peek-a-boo with the crows...for being what you are..me loves you both and cant imagine our family without you...
me loves sachin tendulkar...you must be thinking what he is doing among all these personal stuff...but hes the brother i never had...the only passion of my life which turned into an obsession..i learned the lessons of hard work..selflessness...willpower..and what not from him....i pray for him...cry for him..laugh with him...my heart lights up when i see him in the field...i feel the pain when he gets injured...he is my idol..my ideal...i love him for being sachin tendulkar!!
me loves harry potter and jk rowling for giving me harry potter..for opening the windows of a world which i secretly relish to be in..for being the perfectly imperfect hero...me loves you....
me loves mickey...and misses him a loot..even though its almost 5 years since you died...he was the first dog of my life..our black lab...he used to carry me on his back and he is the only one whom i believe who loved me just as much as i loved him....
me loves my new mobile...nokia n95 8gb..yess!!!...a dream come true...the most beautiful and enviable possession of my life....
me loves food....the very essence of it...my love for food greatly contributed to my mom's currently wow culinary skills...which greatly explains my need to work out and be in a diet always....
and last of all...me loves the supreme power....be it in a stone..a flower...a smile...a baby...or even the human body(my anatomy classes helped me appreciate how great a creation we really are)...it made me realise the beauty and wonder of the most greatest gift of god...my life....
yeaa...me loves my life!!!!!!!
me loves my dad!!...popsy baby is the ultimate daddy cool..he didnt tell me how to live..he lived and let me watch him doing it..and i learned thus...handsome enough to be haughty...self made..truly a gem of a person who always made me feel worthy...one of the few people to whom i feel like giving a hug and and saying that i love you...its true that any man can be a father...but it takes something special to be a dad..and i am glad that i have one...
me loves my mom!!...i fight with her..i threaten her..she beats me up...she says the most "what not to be said" to me...she reprimands me...i hate her intuition which most of the times turn right...i hate her for nagging me...for always thinking about the worst..for being a damsel in distress and dramatising things...but i love it when she allows me to love...to explore and to learn..i love it that i have someone who cares for me...i love it that i have someone whom i can vent my feelings to..who knows me 97% inside out...i love it that i have someone who helps me grow,prosper and reach heights...i love it that i have my mom....
me...ahhmm...loves my sis!!!...ours have always been a love hate relationship..she is the only one who had the snootiness in her to provoke my homicidal nature...shes bitchy when provoked...she follows the principle..the grass is always greener on the other side...shes never politically correct...i hate her hippocrisy...i hate her for being goodlooking...i hate her for being the better one always...indeed she is the lucky one for having me as a sis..but sometimes...i do feel...that she is the best friend that i never had...
me loves him!!!...nopes..not anyone can get into that "him" since its a pronoun...i meant specifically...love him for making me feel alive..for shattering the realities and making me fly...for making every wrong i did right by just being with me...for forgiving...for teaching me to smile and enjoy...for being that momentary madness that just grew in me...for giving me memories to treasure all through...no man is perfect until you love him..and i love him for being my perfect guy!!!
me loves achubittu...they are my dogs..for being the reincarnation of lord voldemort(achu the pomerarian)..and that of swami vivekananda(bittu the gsd)...for making our small family complete...for stealing chocolates out of my pocket...for licking away my tears when i am crying...for the matrix show you provide every night...for understanding everything said in hindi,english and malayalam except the word patti...for playing peek-a-boo with the crows...for being what you are..me loves you both and cant imagine our family without you...
me loves sachin tendulkar...you must be thinking what he is doing among all these personal stuff...but hes the brother i never had...the only passion of my life which turned into an obsession..i learned the lessons of hard work..selflessness...willpower..and what not from him....i pray for him...cry for him..laugh with him...my heart lights up when i see him in the field...i feel the pain when he gets injured...he is my idol..my ideal...i love him for being sachin tendulkar!!
me loves harry potter and jk rowling for giving me harry potter..for opening the windows of a world which i secretly relish to be in..for being the perfectly imperfect hero...me loves you....
me loves mickey...and misses him a loot..even though its almost 5 years since you died...he was the first dog of my life..our black lab...he used to carry me on his back and he is the only one whom i believe who loved me just as much as i loved him....
me loves my new mobile...nokia n95 8gb..yess!!!...a dream come true...the most beautiful and enviable possession of my life....
me loves food....the very essence of it...my love for food greatly contributed to my mom's currently wow culinary skills...which greatly explains my need to work out and be in a diet always....
and last of all...me loves the supreme power....be it in a stone..a flower...a smile...a baby...or even the human body(my anatomy classes helped me appreciate how great a creation we really are)...it made me realise the beauty and wonder of the most greatest gift of god...my life....
yeaa...me loves my life!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
my first caesarean!!!
i didnt do it...but witnessing it was just as thrilling....i think we made a good audience..the eeeeww's when the amniotic bag was torn and the "water" was spurting out like a fountain...the ooohhss when we first saw the glimpse of the babys head inside....the aayyyoooo's when the baby was pulled out by a forceps....the aaahhhsss when the baby was fully out....and the soundless exclamations at the site of umbilical cord and tha placenta....the glees when we were assigned to find out if the baby was a gal or a boy...and finally the happiness for the mummy for getting a healthy baby inspite of the first two abortions and the present complications......
here is to baby priya...!!!!

here is to baby priya...!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
starting out new...
a new beginning...a new awakening...trusting in god..that was what was going on in my mind when i was all set to start another stint at my college as a "3rd year junior"!!!...elated thought i was that i passed...disappointment too etched my mind thinking i couldnt score well.....a new week just went by...and i didnt realise how fast it had gone..something which is quite new with me after being a college goer....
my first posting was at sat hospital..obstetrics and gyneac...when i started out i didnt know the difference between the two...and now a week since i am glad to say that i kno atleast their difference...its a different experience altogether...diferent in the sense...i could feel my patience being tested and still the smile didnt leave my face...i am slowly losing out my very ancient "afraid and disgusted of crowd" behaviour....i didnt faint in the operation theatre....i could mingle freely with the patients at the OPD...i felt awed by the new born babies...couldnt take my eyes of their naturally pink attire..(GOB u should have seen them).....at the same time felt repulsed at the state of the mothers to be...of the big tummies and bigger appettite....i didnt see any glowing skin...i didnt see them with hoardes of people attending to their whims and fancies....i didnt see their craving for ben and jerrys extra dark chocolate icesream being catered to...(i am not sure if any of them even know what it is...)...i didnt see them fretting over pregnant mummy exercise and reading how to lose weight in the post partum period
but i saw them as women...happy to be fat....happy to give a shelter to their baby...happy to suffer through the anxiety and pain....praying to give birth to a normal healthy baby...worrying about the state of the family they have left behind at home.....all ready to help us students with our history taking....who blinks at us when we ask about the contraceptives they have used(many needed translation).....giggled when asked about the frequency of coitus...apprehensive about us learning by touching their most precious possession-their extra large tummy with a life inside.....
yes...it is indeed life....the most beautiful moment when i felt the kick of a baby while palpating a pregnant woman....he was just 36 weeks and not born yet..but he felt irked by us disturbing him...and i heard his heart beating extra fast(quite normal for a baby)....it was really a beautiful moment...when you feel the life inside...and i guess...the feeling intensifies and becomes even more breath taking when you feel the life inside your own body....i guess i kind of understand why women give birth going through all the pain....
it wasnt just about the wards...the theatres were a different thing....witnessed some PG people messing up with a spinal anaesthesia....mistook a hyeterctomy for a caesarian when a humoungous fibroid of the size of a baby was being taken out....witnessed them screaming with pain and discomfort at the minor theatre....
not just that...for the patients there...there are no madams and students.....there are only doctors...and they see us as one with the stethescope and coats on....and they respect us...and expects a lot from us...sigh!!!
i just pray that i can do something to make these people happy....and hopefully my wish be granted!!!!....
off to another week......
my first posting was at sat hospital..obstetrics and gyneac...when i started out i didnt know the difference between the two...and now a week since i am glad to say that i kno atleast their difference...its a different experience altogether...diferent in the sense...i could feel my patience being tested and still the smile didnt leave my face...i am slowly losing out my very ancient "afraid and disgusted of crowd" behaviour....i didnt faint in the operation theatre....i could mingle freely with the patients at the OPD...i felt awed by the new born babies...couldnt take my eyes of their naturally pink attire..(GOB u should have seen them).....at the same time felt repulsed at the state of the mothers to be...of the big tummies and bigger appettite....i didnt see any glowing skin...i didnt see them with hoardes of people attending to their whims and fancies....i didnt see their craving for ben and jerrys extra dark chocolate icesream being catered to...(i am not sure if any of them even know what it is...)...i didnt see them fretting over pregnant mummy exercise and reading how to lose weight in the post partum period
but i saw them as women...happy to be fat....happy to give a shelter to their baby...happy to suffer through the anxiety and pain....praying to give birth to a normal healthy baby...worrying about the state of the family they have left behind at home.....all ready to help us students with our history taking....who blinks at us when we ask about the contraceptives they have used(many needed translation).....giggled when asked about the frequency of coitus...apprehensive about us learning by touching their most precious possession-their extra large tummy with a life inside.....
yes...it is indeed life....the most beautiful moment when i felt the kick of a baby while palpating a pregnant woman....he was just 36 weeks and not born yet..but he felt irked by us disturbing him...and i heard his heart beating extra fast(quite normal for a baby)....it was really a beautiful moment...when you feel the life inside...and i guess...the feeling intensifies and becomes even more breath taking when you feel the life inside your own body....i guess i kind of understand why women give birth going through all the pain....
it wasnt just about the wards...the theatres were a different thing....witnessed some PG people messing up with a spinal anaesthesia....mistook a hyeterctomy for a caesarian when a humoungous fibroid of the size of a baby was being taken out....witnessed them screaming with pain and discomfort at the minor theatre....
not just that...for the patients there...there are no madams and students.....there are only doctors...and they see us as one with the stethescope and coats on....and they respect us...and expects a lot from us...sigh!!!
i just pray that i can do something to make these people happy....and hopefully my wish be granted!!!!....
off to another week......
Friday, January 9, 2009
heard a tragic news quite unexpectedly...about the demise of a schoolmate...felt really saad..she wasnt my best friend..but i knew her personally....tessy..a real sweetheart...dont wanna go on talking about how good and great she was....she slipped from a waterfall at bangalore and drowned...just want to say that her friends will miss her a loot....whereever you are..may your soul rest in peace...!!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
in loving memory of...
i have lost someone..and my inner senses prevent me from accepting it...but i guess i have to move on..and to say it out aloud that you are dead...makes it profound..ultimate...theres no escaping the truth...you have gone...left me forever....
you were such an integral part of me...there wasn't a single second that i could think of leaving you....i couldn't breathe..eat..study...bath..sleep.....you were with me always...how was i to know that it wouldn't last forever...you were my jealously guarded possession...the keeper of all my deepest darkest secrets....you found me my love...you gave me reasons to laugh..to rejoice...you gave me a shoulder to cry on...you were the reflection of my moods....
you pacified me when i was angry...the endless times i used to hit you..torture you..and you would be there rock solid..with not so much as a scratch...people teased you were from the old school of thought....others made fun saying you were a slow coach....but i stood by you...then why did you leave me??..
you were soo young to die...maybe god loved you soo much that he called you back sooner than we would have thought...but then why such a brutal death??....drowned and asphyxiated..i wouldn't wish such an end to my worst enemy...was that a suicide??..or a preplanned murder??...i never know....i cried for you...tried to call you back...tried to wake you up...but you didn't respond....i rushed you to the nearest emergency...but i could sense i was to hear the worst because you were lying rigid cold in my arms...with not so much as a flutter....
i didn't want to cremate you or bury you...i waited for days on end to see if a shadow of life would cross your face...but i was disappointed...you had left me...with no way to turn back...my tears were in vain...it was final...you were gone...
i still miss you...nobody answers when i call out "chakkudu"...i had christened you thus...you took along my friends also...but i didn't care...the grief of losing you was soo much that i could think of nothing else...nobody sings "addicted" now....nobody fits soo snugly into my hands....i miss you a loot chakkudu....i miss everything about you.....you will be the first and last nokia n70 of my life....i promise you this......!!!!.....goodbye dear...it was great knowing you......
you were such an integral part of me...there wasn't a single second that i could think of leaving you....i couldn't breathe..eat..study...bath..sleep.....you were with me always...how was i to know that it wouldn't last forever...you were my jealously guarded possession...the keeper of all my deepest darkest secrets....you found me my love...you gave me reasons to laugh..to rejoice...you gave me a shoulder to cry on...you were the reflection of my moods....
you pacified me when i was angry...the endless times i used to hit you..torture you..and you would be there rock solid..with not so much as a scratch...people teased you were from the old school of thought....others made fun saying you were a slow coach....but i stood by you...then why did you leave me??..
you were soo young to die...maybe god loved you soo much that he called you back sooner than we would have thought...but then why such a brutal death??....drowned and asphyxiated..i wouldn't wish such an end to my worst enemy...was that a suicide??..or a preplanned murder??...i never know....i cried for you...tried to call you back...tried to wake you up...but you didn't respond....i rushed you to the nearest emergency...but i could sense i was to hear the worst because you were lying rigid cold in my arms...with not so much as a flutter....
i didn't want to cremate you or bury you...i waited for days on end to see if a shadow of life would cross your face...but i was disappointed...you had left me...with no way to turn back...my tears were in vain...it was final...you were gone...
i still miss you...nobody answers when i call out "chakkudu"...i had christened you thus...you took along my friends also...but i didn't care...the grief of losing you was soo much that i could think of nothing else...nobody sings "addicted" now....nobody fits soo snugly into my hands....i miss you a loot chakkudu....i miss everything about you.....you will be the first and last nokia n70 of my life....i promise you this......!!!!.....goodbye dear...it was great knowing you......
Sunday, January 4, 2009
back to college
i guess its time to go back to college...results are out..and i managed to pass...still havent got over that shock....classes were supposed to begin from monday but due to several reasons unfathomable to us lesser mortals who are the mercy of scalpel handed doctors...i m still at home...now they are saying that classes might...start on thursday....i wish they would just begin it....i am raring to go....
seriously..i am...because for a change...i have some points to prove to certain people...i guess at the end of this stint..i would have some beautiful memories to script on this blog rather than my usual bantering about how unfair unjust and ugly my college life is....
there is a long way to go and this time i am ready...for the trolls and monsters..ready not to let go of those rare opportunities....i hope everything turns out...hopefully good!!!!!
seriously..i am...because for a change...i have some points to prove to certain people...i guess at the end of this stint..i would have some beautiful memories to script on this blog rather than my usual bantering about how unfair unjust and ugly my college life is....
there is a long way to go and this time i am ready...for the trolls and monsters..ready not to let go of those rare opportunities....i hope everything turns out...hopefully good!!!!!
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